仍旧 and 依旧 "still, as before"
These adverbs are both similar in meaning and usage.
The adverbs and have the same meaning "still", "as before". They indicate that a situation has not changed.
Pay attention
They are used in written language.
仍旧 is usually placed before a predicate that is expressed by an adjective.
He's still the same as he was ten years ago
tā réngjiù shì shí nián qián de lǎoyàngzi
He's still so young!
tā réngjiù nàme niánqīng
依旧 is usually placed before a predicate that is expressed by a verb.
He still lives there
tā yījiù zhù zài nàlǐ
I didn't expect that she'd still be the same
méi xiǎngdào, tā yījiù shì lǎo yàngzi
仍旧 and 依旧 can also be used as verbs meaning "to remain the same".
The landscape of my hometown is still the same, but the atmosphere has changed
jiāxiāng shānshuǐ yījiù, dàn qìfēn bù yíyàng le
Although this book has been edited, the style remains the same
zhè běn shū suīrán jīngguò xiūdìng, dànshì tǐlì réngjiù
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