Expressing the complement of state with 个
The state complement (状态补语) answers the question “how?” and describes an achieved state of an action.
The complement of state can be formed using a verb followed by .
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The particle is not used in this case.
The negative determiners and and the complement of result are placed after 个.
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The complement of result can be either a verb or an adjective, and describes the result of an action.
The child is still crying without stopping. I don’t know what to do
xiǎo hái háishi kū ge bù tíng, bù zhīdao zěnme bàn
He is talking nonstop. Others can’t get a word in
tā shuō ge méi wán, bié rén yí jù huà yě chābujìn
Misha is a funny boy. As soon as he starts talking, everybody begins to laugh nonstop
mǐshān hěn yōumò, tā yì kāishǐ shuōhuà, dàjiā jiù huì xiào ge bù tíng
The complement of state with 个 is also used to indicate that an action needs to be performed well and to completion.
Pay attention
个 followed by the complement of result can be replaced with an adverb.
If you go for a walk, enjoy your walk. Butdon’t say afterwards that I didn’t let you have a rest
guàng jiù guàng ge gòu, bú yòng yǐhòu gēn wǒ shuō wǒ méi yǒu ràng nǐ xiūxi
If you’re goign to eat, you’re going to eat a lot. Our guests don’t leave our house hungry
chī jiù chī ge gòu, wǒmen kèrén chībubǎo bù huí jiā
要学就学踏实, 要玩就玩个痛快
If you’re studying, study hard. If you’re having fun, enjoy it
yào xué jiù xué ge tàshi, yào wán jiù wán ge tòngkuai
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