The state complement 个究竟
The state complement (状态补语) answers the question “how?” and describes an achieved state of an action.
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A complement is a secondary part of a sentence. It is placed after a predicate expressed by a verb or adjective, and expresses the speaker's view of the chance of success.
The state complement indicates that a person studies something in detail. In a sentence, it often follows the words like "to find out" and "to know".
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In this case, the particle is not used.
Children want to know everything because everything seems new to them
háizimen kàn shénme dōu juéde xīnxiān, shénme shì dōu xiǎng zhīdao ge jiùjìng
We were very interested in this incident, so we immediately went to find out what happened
zhè shì yǐnqǐ le wǒmen hěn dà xìngqù, lìjí qiánwǎng tàn ge jiūjìng
I heard a loud humming sound and got up to find out what was going on
wǒ tīngdào hěn dà de wēngwēng shēng, jiù qǐlái xiǎng kàn ge jiūjìng
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