
Simplified Chinese


Stroke order

Meaning of 不要说…,只要…,就

  1. not mention... even
    bùyào shuō…, zhǐyào…, jiù; búyào shuō…, zhǐyào…, jiù
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Sentence examples

bù yàoshuō jiù kěnéng shìgù chū tiānqì hǎohuài , zhǐyào yǒu xiǎocuò ,
not to mention whether the weather is good or bad, even a small mistake can lead to an accident
yǒu chūxī huíkuì , shèhuì búyào shuō …, zhǐyào …, jiù búyào shuō …, zhǐyào …, jiù zuò shénme gōngzuò bù yàoshuō …, zhǐyào …, jiù zuò shénme gōngzuò ,
no matter what kind of work you do, even if you just make some contribution to society, you already have the potential

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