Home>New HSK 7-9>总的来说

Stroke order

Meaning of 总的来说

  1. generally speaking
    zǒngde lái shuō
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zǒngdeláishuō shìqíng bàn déhěn shùnlì
generally speaking this matter is settled smoothly
zǒngdeláishuō xiàolǜ jiùshì , dàjiā yīdìngyào nǔlìtígāo gōngzuò
generally speaking, we all should make efforts to improve work efficiency
zǒngdeláishuō zhègè dáàn háishì hěnbù cuò de
generally this answer is still very good
zǒngdeláishuō de , zhègèwèntí quèshí shì fēichángzhòngyào
generally speaking, this is really an issue of great importance

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