Stroke order

Meaning of 其

  1. of those
  2. his, her, its, their
  3. such
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Sentence examples

shǐ tāmen gèdéqísuǒ
to put them in their place
qí xìnxī qīnshǔ wúfǎ huòdé rènhé yǒuguān qí xiàluò de
his relatives were unable to gather any information concerning his whereabouts
tā yāoqiú běncì bàogào néng cǎinà qí yìjiàn
she asked her views to be reflected in the present report
zhèixiē jīgòu gēnjù qí zhíquán jiāqiáng qí hézuò kuàngjià
these institutions strengthen their framework of cooperation based on their competencies
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