​​Alternative meanings of directional complements
Some directional complements have additional meanings unrelated to movement or direction. These meanings focus on the result of an action.
Alternative meanings of simple directional complements
Most complements have several alternative meanings.
1) expresses the beginning of an action or state.
2) expresses the connection of two objects. Synonym: the complement: 上去
3) expresses the achievement of a goal with great efforts. Synonym: the complement 到
1) expresses the doing of an action. It is often used as part of the potential complement. Synonym: the complement 了(liǎo), 好
2) expresses a change in state. Synonym: the complement 住
Expresses the ability to recognise an object or person as a result of doing something. 出 is used with 4 verbs: (and understand or recognize) (a visual) Synonym: the complement 出来
1) expresses an excessive action (money)
2) expresses superiority. It is often used as part of the potential complement.
1) expresses the transition to another state.
2) expresses the beginning of an action. Synonym: the complement 起来
3) expresses the doing of an action. In this case, 起 is used as part of a complement.
4) expresses a desire or reluctance to do something. In this case, it is used as part of the potential complement. (don't like it) (by taxi, plane, etc.)
Alternative meanings of compound directional complements
Expresses the ability to do something. In this case, it is used as part of the potential complement. It is commonly used with the following verbs: or Synonym: the complement 了(liǎo)
I can answer all ofl those questions
nàxiē wèntí wǒ dōu néng dá de shànglái
1) expresses attaching "A" onto "B" by doing an action. It is commonly used with the following verbs: Synonym: the complement 上
My mother and I hung up the chandelier
wǒ hé mǔqīn yìqǐ bǎ diàodēng guà shàngqù le
2) expresses an impression or feeling towards someone after they do an action. 上去 is used with the following verbs of physical perception: Synonym: the complement 起来
My mother looks tired
māma kàn shàngqù hěn lèi
1) means "to keep something unchanged". It is commonly used with the following verbs:
We sat down by the water
wǒmen zài shuǐbiān zuò le xiàlái
2) means "to separate or divide something". It is commonly used with the following verbs:
The door was off its hinges
mén cóng jiǎoliàn shàng chě xiàlái le
3) indicates stepping down from a high level to a low level. It can be placed after a verb or an adjective. It is commonly used with the following words:
Keep the children quiet
ràng háizimen ānjìng xiàlái
4) indicates that an action began in the past and continues to the present. It is commonly used with the following verbs:
The story is passed on by word of mouth
zhè ge gùshi shì kǒutóu liúchuán xiàlái de
Indicates the continuation of an action or a state. It can be placed after a verb or an adjective. The adjective usually has a negative connotation.
Pay attention
It is important to know that 下去 indicates a duration from the present to the future.
It is commonly used with the following words:
We must persevere
wǒmen bìxū jiānchí xiàqù
1) expresses a change from being unrecognizable to recognizable. 出来 is used with 4 verbs: (and understand or recognize) (a visual) Synonym: the complement 出
Your voice is instantly recognizable
nǐ de shēngyīn yíxiàzi jiù néng tīng chūlái
2) indicates that an action caused something to happen. It is commonly used with the following verbs:
She said it out loud
tā dàshēng shuō le chūlái
1) means "to come back to the original or normal state". It is commonly used with the following verbs: or
There are too many mistakes. Correct them as soon as possible
cuòwù tài duō le, kuài bǎ tā gǎi guòlái ba
2) expresses that there is plenty of time, opportunities, or quantity. In this case, it is used as part of the potential complement. It is commonly used with the following verbs: or
He can't do it alone
tā yí ge rén máng bu guòlái
Means "to fail to retain the original or normal state". It is commonly used with the following verbs:
I fainted as soon as I saw my blood
wǒ yí kàn dào zìjǐ de xuè jiù yūn guòqù le
1) expresses the beginning and continuation of an action. It can be placed after a verb or an adjective. It is commonly used with the following words:
It got colder
tiānqì lěng qǐlái le
It's raining
xià qǐ yǔ lái
2) means "to bring scattered items together". It is commonly used with the following verbs: or
Knowledge is accumulated gradually
zhīshì shì yìdiǎndian jīlěi qǐlái de
3) expresses an impression or feeling towards someone after doing multiple actions. It is commonly used with the following verbs: Synonym: the complement 上去
It is very comfortable to wear
tā chuān qǐlái hěn shūfu
You look pale
nǐ kàn qǐlái cāngbái
4) indicates a memory. It is used with 4 verbs. All of them are translated as "to remember":
Ah, now I remember
a, xiànzài wǒ xiǎng qǐlái le
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