The word order in attributes
An attribute describes a noun and answers the question “what?”.
Sometimes you need to specify several properties of a noun. They are named in the following order: possessive with : my, his ↓ demonstrative: this, that, those ↓ number: two, five ↓ measure word: thing ↓ adjective (can be with 的): big, blue
Pay attention
There are usually 2 or 3 properties in an attribute.
My two little children
wǒ de liǎng ge xiǎo háizi
This new T-shirt
zhè jiàn xīn tǐxù
If you specify the number and size of the attribute, the adjective is placed between the numeral and the measure word.
These include:
I drank a big cup of tea
wǒ hē le yí dà bēi chá
She only ate a small portion of food
tā zhǐ chī le yì xiǎo fèn shíwù
You can learn more about how to make long attributes here ↓
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