Coordinating conjunction "and", “with”
A coordinating conjunction (联合连接词) is a conjunction that connects words, phrases, and clauses that are coordinate, or equal to each other.
The conjunction is often used in speaking and writing. It connects homogeneous nouns and pronouns:
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Homogeneous parts of a sentence are words which answer the same question, are connected with the same word in a sentence, and are mostly expressed with the same part of speech.
It’s often used in combination with the adverb .
Both glass and water refract light
bōlí hé shuǐ dōu zhéguāng
If there are more than two homogeneous parts of a sentence, 和 is placed before the last part.
I like to drink water, tea and coffee
wǒ xǐhuan hē shuǐ, chá hé kāfēi
Sometimes, but not often, 和 may connect homogeneous adjectives and verbs:
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和 can’t connect parts of a compound sentence, and there is no comma before it.
The conjunction connects two objects. It’s used before the verb to say that "A" is doing something together with "B". It’s often used with the adverb .
He’s doing his homework with his uncle
tā gēn tā shūshu yìqĭ zuò zuòyè
I've been thinking about inviting you to dinner with us
wŏ yìzhí zài xiăng qĭng nĭ gēn wŏmen chīfàn
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跟 can often be replaced with 和.
与, 同, 及
The conjunctions and are similar to 和. They connect nouns and pronouns, but they are only used in written speech.
Sickness and poverty often go hand in hand
jíbìng yǔ pínqióng chángcháng xiāngbàn ér shēng
He’s with mer (he and I are here together)
wǒ tóng tā zài yìqǐ
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The conjunction 同 is mostly used in the South of China, including in Cantonese.
is also used in written speech, but it only connects nouns:
Workers, peasants and intellectuals
gōngrén, nóngmín jí zhīshì fēnzǐ
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