The adverb 似乎 “seemingly”
The adverb is most commonly used in written language. It is used to express assumptions or conjectures. 似乎 is placed before a predicate.
It's my first time in the city, but it feels like I've been here before
dì yí cì láidào zhè ge chéngshì, dàn gǎnjué sìhū yǐqián láiguò
It seems that she is dissatisfied with her performance
tā sìhū duì zìjǐ de biǎoxiàn hěn bù mǎnyì
It seems that nobody cares about that little boy
sìhū méi yǒu rén guānxīn nà ge xiǎo nánhái
似乎 is also used to indicate that some assumptions are untrue.
似乎才三十出头 ,但其实已经快五十了
She seems like she’s in her early thirties, bu she's already almost fifty
tā sìhū cái sānshí chūtóu, dàn qíshí yǐjīng kuài wǔshí le
我男朋友似乎冷冷的 ,其实他很热情
My boyfriend seems a little cold, but he's actually very warm-hearted
wǒ nán péngyou sìhū lěng lěng de, qíshí tā hěn rèqíng
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