The structure A归A,B归B
The colloquial structure contrasts two concepts, indicating that they are not the same thing. For example, “friendship is friendship and money is money. Don't forget to pay me back”. We should state either verbs or nouns in place of “A” and “B”.
Pay attention
Phrases with the word 归 are most often used as set-expressions.
I don’t mind lending you money. But friendship is friendship, and money is money
wǒ yuànyì jiè gěi nǐ qián, dànshì péngyou guī péngyou, qián guī qián
Talking is one thing, doing is another
shuō guī shuō, zuò guī zuò
Sometimes we quarrel, and other times we have fun. We are, after all, one family
chǎo guī chǎo, nào guī nào, wǒmen háishi yì jiā rén
Sometimes the structure can be used in a simplified form: A归A. In this case, we should state the concept which was discussed earlier in the place of “A”.
Jokes are jokes, but don't hurt his feelings
chǎojià guī chǎojià, dànshì tāmen háishi hùxiāng ài
Even though they quarrel sometimes, they still love each other
chǎojià guī chǎojià, dànshì tāmen háishi hùxiāng ài
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