The verbs 巴不得 and 恨不得 emphasize that a person really wants an event to happen as soon as possible.
They are placed before either a verb or a verb phrase.
Pay attention
巴不得 and 恨不得 are used in spoken language.
巴不得 is used to indicate that a desired action can be implemented.
I can't wait to buy a bike
wǒ bābude mǎi yí liàng zìxíngchē
It's my parents' wish to see me work in this field, but not mine. I wish I could leave earlier
zhè ge zhuānyè xǐhuan de rén bú shì wǒ ér shì wǒ fùmǔ, bābude zǎo yìdiǎn líkāi
巴不得 can also serve as an adjective. In this case, it is followed by the particle 的 .
He can't wait to introduce Xiaoming to his girlfriend
gěi xiǎomíng jièshào nǚpéngyou, zhè shì tā bābude de shìqing
恨不得 is used to indicate that a desired action cannot be realized, and that it is only a dream.
我恨不得一年就能拿到 HSK中级证书
I wish I could get the HSK Intermediate certificate in a year