The adverbs 终于 and 终究
These adverbs are similar, but they are used differently.
The adverb 终于
The adverb is used to express that a desired objective is achieved after a long wait. It is placed before a verb used as a predicate.
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We often place the particle at the end of sentences with 终于. It indicates a change in the situation.
You finally came!
nǐ zhōngyú lái le
She worked hard all year and eventually got into Beijing University
tā yì nián yìzhí hěn nǔlì, zhōngyú shùnlì de jìnrù běijīng dàxué le
We finally got home safely
wǒmen zhōngyú ānquán dào jiā le
The adverb 终究
The adverb is used in two cases: 1) to soften words, to excuse someone or to confirm something. 终究 is placed before a verb used as a predicate.
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If there is a noun after 终究, the copula is placed before it.
He is a child after all. You must be patient
tā zhōngjiū shì ge háizi, nǐ děi nàixīn yìdiǎnr
But it’s just love in the virtual world after all
dàn zhè zhōngjiū zhǐ shì xūnǐ shìjiè lǐ de àiqíng
2) to indicate that a situation will eventually come to pass. In this case modal verbs are often placed after 终究. For example:
Eventually she’ll understand his feelings
tā zhōngjiū huì liǎojiě tā de gǎnqíng
In the end, we can achieve the goal
wǒmen zhōngjiū néng dádào mùdì
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