The structure with the meaning "just...that’s all"
can be used to say "just...that’s all". For example: "It’s just a rumor, that’s all". 而已 should be used in one of the following structures. These structures are used to explain or find an excuse to something that is said earlier. They sometimes emphasize that a situation is not as serious as it seems to be.
Pay attention
A subject is placed before the structure. A verb or a verb phrase replaces the ellipsis.
It is just another method, that’s all
wúfēi shì bùtóng de fāngfǎ éryǐ
Don’t worry, they will just ask a few questions, that’s all
búyòng jǐnzhāng, tāmen búguò wèn xiē wèntí éryǐ
我没什么意思, 真的只是问问而已
I really didn’t mean anything. I just asked, that’s all
wǒ méi shénme yìsi, zhēnde zhǐshì wènwen éryǐ
It was just a kiss, that’s all. It didn’t mean anything
jiùshì yí ge wěn éryǐ, méi yǒu shénme tèbié
In this structure, 而已 can be replaced with .
It is just a puppy, it’s no big deal
zhǐ búguò shì xiǎo gǒu bàle, méi yǒu shénme kěpà de
I just scolded him a little, nothing more
wǒ wúfēi mà le tā jǐ jù bàle
In the 只是…而已 or 只是…罢了 structures, a noun or a noun phrase can replace the ellipsis.
It’s just curiosity, that’s all. He doesn’t understand Chinese
zhè zhǐshì hàoqí bàle, tā bù dǒng hànyǔ
It is just imagination, nothing more
zhè zhǐshì xūxiǎng éryǐ
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