Expressing "to hope" with 指望 and 盼望
Both verbs have the same meaning “to hope”, but they are used differently.
The verb 指望
The verb expresses some expectations for another person. For example, “we rely on your conscience”.
Pay attention
The verb 指望 is used in a spoken language.
He can always rely on her wise advice
tā zǒngshì néng zhǐwàng tā míngzhì de zhōnggào
You cannot expect me to believe in it
nǐ xiūxiǎng zhǐwàng wǒ xiāngxìn nà zhǒng shì
You shouldn’t count on the possibility of learning a language in a month
bú yào zhǐwàng zài jǐ ge yuè nèi jiù néng xuéhuì yì mén wàiyǔ
指望 as a noun
指望 can be a noun which means “hope”.
Parents pin unrealistic hopes on their children
fùmǔ duì háizi de zhǐwàng bú qiè shíjì
There is still hope for this
zhè jiàn shì hái yǒu zhǐwàng
The verb 盼望
The verb expresses a desire that a person is wishes will happen. For example, “I hope he will come back soon”.
Pay attention
The verb 盼望 is used both in spoken and written language.
We are looking forward to seeing you again
wǒmen fēicháng pànwàng néng zàijiàn dào nǐ
She was looking forward to talking on the phone with her daughter
tā pànwàng zhe hé nǚ'ér tōng diànhuà jiāotán
Thousands of impoverished peasants are hoping to move to cities
chéng qiān shàng wàn chìpín de nóngmín jíqiè pànwàng bān dào chéng lǐ qù
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