The difference between 气魄 and 气概
The nouns 气魄 and 气概 have the same meaning “spirit”, but differ in their usage. They are used in written language.
The noun 气魄
The noun has the following meanings: 1) “spirit”.
This is the spirit of a real fighter
zhè shì zhēnzhèng de dòushì de qìpò
This is the spirit of the Tang Dynasty
hè jiùshì táng dài de qìpò
2) "boldness", “daring”.
You have a courage that will never go away
nǐ yǒu nà yǒng bú huì xiāoshī de qìpò
First of all, you have to be brave
shǒuxiān nǐ bìxū yào yǒu qìpò
3) "momentum". In this meaning, it is most commonly used when talking about natural objects, structures, professional activity, atmosphere, production and sounds.
Such a majestic project wasis a great miracle in world history
zhèyàng qìpò xióngwěi de gōngchéng, zài shìjiè lìshǐ shàng shì yí ge wěidà de qíjī
The noun 气魄 is also used in the following phrases:
The noun 气概
indicates human nature and human spirit.
This move is heroic, but probably useless
cǐ jǔ yǒuzhe yīngxióng qìgài, dàn huòxǔ túláowúgōng
He felt it was a threat to his manhood
tā juédé zhè duì tā de nánzǐ qìgài shì yì zhǒng wēixié
Where did he read that a bald head is a sign of manhood?
tā zài shénme dìfang dú guò shuō tūdǐng dàibiǎo yánggāng qìgài
气概 is used with words referring to courage and heroism. For example:
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