Directional verbs
If you are not yet familiar with the verbs and , read this article first ↓
Besides 来 and 去, these are the most common verbs indicating the direction of movement:
Please come in
qǐng jìn
To enter the building
jìn lóu
To leave the house
chū mén
To go abroad
chū guó
To go upstairs
shàng lóu
To go uphill
shàng shān
To go downstairs
xià lóu
To go downhill
xià shān
To go back to the dormitory
huí sùshè
To go back to China
huí zhōngguó
Pay attention
The verb 回 is always used in sentences like "to go back to home". “Home” could mean a dormitory, a flat, a room, or any permanent location that you can return to. If it is another person's home or dormitory, the verbs 去 and 来 can be used.
To cross the street
guò jiē
To cross the road
guò mǎlù
Pay attention
It is important to know that 起 means vertical upward movement, and 上 means an upward movement for some distance.
To get out of bed
qǐ chuáng
The dough has risen
miàn qǐ le
These verbs are often used in combination with both 来 and 去. In this case, 来 and 去 are the directional complements. Read more about this topic here ↓
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