The structures 就算…也… and 就是…也…
The structures and have the meaning "even though..., will (still)...". In these structures, we should put a verb or a phrase in place of the ellipsis.
No matter how difficult the financial situation is, we will not give up
wùzhì tiáojiàn jiù suàn zài jiānkǔ yě wúfǎ nándǎo wǒmen
If a sentence has one subject, it can be placed either before or after 就. If a sentence has two subjects, the first subject is placed after 就是/就算 and the second subject is placed before 也.
Even if she notices, she won't say anything
jiù shì nǐ xiǎng dédào yì bǎi fēn yě bù néng yìzhí bú shuìjiào
Even if we’ll be able to do it, we’re only going do it once
jiù suàn tā liúyìdào, tā yě cónglái bù shuō
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