How to state "to be on time" and "to have no time"
The verbs and can be used both independently and with a verb placed after them.
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来不及 is often used with the particle at the end of a sentence.
Don't worry, we have time
búyòng zhāojí, wǒmen láidejí
We still have time to eat
wǒmen hái láidejí qù chīfàn
I got up too late so I had no time to pack my suitcase.
wǒ qǐ de hěn wǎn, láibují zhǔnbèi xínglǐxiāng le
The negative adverbs and can be placed before 来得及 to express "had no time".
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The difference between 来不及 and 没来得及 is that 来不及 can be used not only in the past tense, but also in the present and future tenses.
我还没来得及解释跟她, 她就跑了
She ran away before I could explain it to her
wǒ hái méi láidejí jiěshì gēn tā, tā jiù pǎo le
She missed that bus
tā méi láidejí zuò nà tàng gōngjiāo
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